Wednesday, May 27, 2009

61: A Reminder

Today for her rest time book my daughter chose "What Happens When I Talk to God?" by Stormie Omartian for me to read aloud. (Such a great book by the way! Very biblical, very deep truths put in engaging kid-level terms - not an easy thing to do.)

But I love how this sweet children's book spoke so deeply to me today. On the page discussing how sometimes we don't hear answers from God right away and how difficult that can be, I read these sentences:

"It always helps me to remember that my job is to pray. God's job is to answer my prayer. So I need to do my job and let God do His job"

Oh, yeah.

I kind of forget that sometimes. :-)


  1. great post- as usual!
    i'm going to have to get that book-B loves to be read to and i'm always looking for new books!

  2. What a great book! Great post! Thanks!
