Saturday, May 23, 2009

57: Thanking Aloud

At the moment I'm struggling to be positive. I'm usually a fairly positive person (I think) and can see the good, or at least the potential good, in most situations.

But today I don't even feel like looking for the good. I kind of just feel like wallowing around in my murky feelings for a while. Problem is that's exactly what the enemy would want me to do. Now, I'm not saying we should go around trying to be Pollyanna all the time - there is a time and season for all emotions.

However, I know myself. I know that if I spend a little time digging a hole of discouragement and pity it quickly becomes a gaping crater with a big "Welcome Home" banner tacked on the dirt-caked walls. Um, I've been there a few times.

So. In an effort to sidestep the said crater I'm reminded of a tactic a read on one of my favorite blogs once: Whenever feeling especially grumpy, sad, overwhelmed, frustrated, etc., try thanking the Lord out loud for something - anything - concerning the situation.

I love one of the examples she gave of hating to do laundry but thanking the Lord out loud for a washing machine to at least make it easier to accomplish. Hate to clean house? Thank the Lord you have a home to clean. Frustrated in traffic? Thank the Lord for a safe journey so far, a car to drive, etc.

I've tried doing this for a whole day and I was amazed - both at how many grumpy thoughts I was having to combat and also how much I have to be thankful for that I overlook daily. Hmmmm . . . it kind of sounds like that "take captive every thought" thingie mentioned in the Bible.

Anyway - I plan on putting this weapon to use as I fight this battle with negativity today. Just thought I'd pass it along in case anyone else needs a battle plan, too.


  1. thank you L, you, well maybe the Lord always knows what i need to hear

  2. L-My mom gave me the same advice and very similar examples and it really does make a world of difference when we focus on the Blessing and not the obstacles. One of my domestic CHORES that I HATE(yes I think I really hate it) is ironing, but my mom told me when she irons she prays for the person that the item of clothing belongs to,it could be a prayer of thanks or covering a situation they are going through. I have started this practice for a few years now and on the days I remember to do that the ironing is done in no time and I have had such a sweet visit with a wonderful friend!!! I also do this with vacuuming. I guess God truly meets us where we are.... ironing, vacuuming, or mopping.... is that just such comfort!!!
