Wednesday, May 13, 2009

47: Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are!

I'm officially declaring today Delurking Day here :-)

FYI - "lurking" is blog-speak for regularly reading a blog but not leaving comments. Not a bad thing- I do it myself on several blogs- but I sure would love to know who might be reading this little bloggy of mine.

So even if you usually don't comment, feel free today to leave one just saying, "Hi!" I'd love to see who all is out there.

And I promise never to make you comment again. :-)

(If you're not sure how to leave a comment, at the bottom of each post there's a link that states how many comments have been left. So if 5 people have left comments it would say "5 comments" right now. Click on it. It will take you to a page where you can see other people's comments and you can leave your own. You can even leave one anonymously if you want!)

Happy Delurking!!!


  1. I read even though I don't comment!! :)

  2. i always comment, but wanted to say hi anyway :)

  3. I read all the time and really enjoy your posts. It's obvious you have a great relationship with the Lord. I'm sorry I don't comment, but I barely have time to read. I'm sorry I missed you at church Sunday. I really wanted to see you. Terri P.

  4. I love reading your blog although don't always have time to leave a comment. I have the same trouble on my blog. More people read it that I realize but don't leave comments. Happy delurking!

  5. I usually leave a comment, but just so you know I am still out here. Glad to hear you are visiting longer YIPEE. I hope to see ya tomorrow. :)

  6. Helllooooo everyone :-) Thanks for sayin' hi!

    By the way, I didn't make it clear in my post but I really don't mind the lurking. Like I said I do it all the time myself!

    And time is for sure a factor. Just the fact you drop by every now and then is awesome whether you ever comment or not :-)

    Just wanted to clarify!

  7. BTW Terri - sorry I missed you, too! I did get a chance to hug Christine's neck though :-) We'll be there this Sunday, too, so maybe I'll see you then!

  8. Hi!! I started reading this blog more since you posted the link on your other blog last week. And I'm interested in the 100 posts in 100 days. Love you!!!

  9. Great! I definitely want to see you Sunday. I will be in the nursery during class so maybe I'll see you then.

  10. I haven't been in blogland in a while but stopped in since I can't sleep. Call me! I'd love to see you...I'll come to you!

    I haven't caught up on blogs in a while...both of yours are so fantastic!!! What a gorgeous family you have Lei.

  12. Ang M - Yes! Hopefully we can get together - I'll try to call soon!!!

    Ang W - Awwww . . .miss you too!!! I drove by a TCBY the other day and thought of you :-) White chocolate mousse runs in hs were the bestest!

    Laura - love ya too Suess!! Happy bday today btw!!

  13. :)
    I've declared a LOT of delurking on my blog.
    LOL. And they still hide, you know...
