Tuesday, May 12, 2009

46: My Little Theologian

About a year or so ago we started reading a children's Bible story to our 3-year-old before bed. I figured it was a good way to get her in the Word daily and start planting those seeds.

Tonight the story was about how King Hezekiah had his men smash all the idols in the city. He knew God's rule about only worshipping God.

This led to an interesting discussion about idols ("Did they help?" "No, baby. They weren't real. They were just big statues - like big rocks." "But rocks are real." "Okay, I meant 'real' like 'alive'" "Oh.") which in turn led to an interesting discussion about God and Jesus.

Although we've had the conversation about "where is Jesus?" many times I know we'll have it several more. It's a very abstract concept for a preschooler. The explanation I like to give (I forget where I got it but certainly not my own head!) is how you can't see the wind but you know it's there because you see what it does - moves the leaves and trees- and feel it on your skin. We can't see Jesus with our eyes right now but we see what he does all around us and we can feel him in our hearts.

Sometimes that explanation suffices. But other times we go around and around . . . "Where is Jesus?" "He's everywhere." "But I can't see him. Where is he?" "He's everywhere." "But I can't see him . . ." You get the picture.

Tonight we were having this circular discussion once again when my daughter resolved it like only her sweet little mind could:

"Maybe he's in the car."

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

I love how little minds work and how God continually uses them to humble us "grown-ups". Thank you, Lord, for our little ones!
At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure."
Luke 10:21


  1. great explaination (the wind thing). we also read a story out of brycen's children bible each night.
