Wednesday, April 29, 2009

33: Lazy Night

One of the best things my sweet hubby ever did was to institute "Lazy Night" at our house.

It started several years ago when I was pregnant with our first little one. We had just sold our house and were living in an apartment while searching for a new house. So, a first pregnancy (anxiety) plus not knowing where we would be living (more anxiety) plus teaching 4th grade (completely exhausting) was wearing on me to say the least. Hubby was working full time and going to grad school in the evening while spending weekends studying. Talk about exhausting.

One night I was complaining about how tired I was only to come home to have to grade papers, do dishes, etc. Hubby, equally tired, decided we needed one night a week to do nothing. No house work, no school work. We would order pizza and give ourselves permission to just veg out in front of the TV for a night. We jokingly dubbed it "lazy night" but the name has stuck ever since.

It's taken different forms over the years . . . sometimes ordering pizza, sometimes Ben and Jerry's (sometimes both). One summer we trekked to Sonic once a week with the rule to order a different drink every visit. But whatever it looked like, "lazy night" has always been something to look forward to every week. A time to make ourselves relax and reconnect in the middle of the week.

We all get so busy and life seems to speed up the older I get. Any excuse to slow down, even for a night, is welcome in my book.

Feel free to steal the idea . . . "Lazy Night" is too good to keep to ourselves :-)


  1. I love it! We will definitely be doing that soon!

  2. I am going to steal this idea. I so need a Lazy night, but just don't let myself, b/c you know there is so much stuff to be done. I am sure if I allowed myself that down time I would be much more productive when I am trying to get all my house stuff accomplished. Thanks for the terrific idea!!!
