Monday, April 27, 2009

31: My Brain on Tired . . .

I seriously considered filling this blog with "blah, blah, blah" as I have nothing, nada, zilch, zip to say tonight.

Hmmm. Look at that. Nothing to say and this is already my 4th sentence.

Wonder how long I can stretch this out.

Ooooo. Six sentences.

Does "ooooo" or "hmmmm" count as sentences???

I'm pretty sure "Look at that" is incomplete or structurally weak or something.

Sweet. Ten sentences.

This post is getting hefty now.

Who knew I could write a whole post about nothing???

Hopefully I'll have more than nothing to write tomorrow.

(This is the 15th and last sentence. Awesome. Oops - 17 now. Is "Awesome" really a sentence?? I can't stop myself. 20.)