Wednesday, April 22, 2009

26: Be Still

Be Still.

Stop moving
Cease chatter
Turn off noise
Abandon striving
Release shoulder tension
Unknot stomach
Calm fidgeting
Slow down thinking
Stop thinking
Close eyes
Deep breath
Deep breath
Deep breath

Be Still.

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


  1. If it were only that easy, you know if you could just say it and then be able to truly be Still before the Lord. I struggle so much with the Stop thinking, the others I can do, but boy do I need God to help me still my mind so I can hear him.

  2. you know that's one of my favorites :) and i totally need it this week!

  3. Chels: I thought of you when this verse popped in my head :-)

    Crystal: AMEN. Much, much easier said than done. For sure. The noise in my head is so hard to quiet...
