Saturday, April 18, 2009

22: Smells Like . . .

Isn't it amazing how different scents invoke specific memories?

To me:

Hot asphalt in the summer=spending countless days at Six Flags over many summers and Spring Breaks

Cherry Blossom from Bath and Body Works=the days right after my first daughter was born

Making enchiladas at home=my Grandma's kitchen in San Antonio

April Fresh Downy=home, as in my parent's house

School gymnasiums=many, many years of basketball camps, practices, games, off-season . . .

*indescribable*=Hulen/Clement Hall at Texas Tech. Can't explain the smell but it smelled the same when I lived there as it did when my sister lived there 8 years earlier. And I bet it smells the same today. Not a bad smell. Just unique.

How about you? What scents bring back memories for you?


  1. The smell of cooked cabbage makes me think of my Grandma Wilczewski and her yummy polish cooking!

  2. extra gum- when Bryan and I first begining dating. He alway chewed it.

    cool fall morning smell- first days of elementary school.

    lavender baby lotion- Baby Reagan

    sunscreen- beach

  3. 1. I have the same Hot asphalt memories, just the other day I was walking across the church parking lot which is now asphalt and I told Jacob This smell so makes me want to ride a roller coaster.

    2. Jergens original sent hand Meme she has Always used this lotion.

    3. Not sure of the name but a certain perfume that my kindergarten teacher wore.... I still smell if from time to time on random ladies and it takes me right back to being 5, shy, and terrified, but excited all at the same time.

    4. Sarafari cologne... Jacob my hubby has wore this cologne as long as I have known him, he has a few other favorites, but this one always makes me think of him.

    5. Mentholatum... My papaw.
    6. Ginger Snap cookies baking... My mom and fall
    I think I could just go on and on. It is so funny how our noses can take us to the past and in a instant.

  4. I am loving all these responses! I'm glad it's not just me that connects certain smells to memories and/or people. I've really loved reading through all these . . . keep 'em comin'! :-)
