Monday, April 20, 2009

24: Lesson Learned

I feel like I'm mostly an optimistic person but I have to admit I really don't care for Mondays.

Mondays are Hubby's busy/early days at work so I take both the night feedings with the little one. This way Hubby can maybe function with at least most of his brain cells on Mondays.

(He is so sweet and helpful, usually taking at least one of the late feedings most other nights while I snooze. In fact, one night he woke up to our dog getting sick all over her crate, cleaned all that up, fed the baby and rocked her back to sleep. All while I was completely oblivious in dreamland. He's a good man, that man of mine. But I digress . . .)

Anyway. So Mondays usually find me more sleep-deprived (read: grumpy) than usual. And it's always kind of a let down after a fun weekend to go back to "normal".

I was throwing myself a grand pity party this morning with the Lord explaining how tired I was, how I wasn't looking forward to this day, etc. Oh, it was a big shindig. Party hats and all.

Then the Lord chose to use my three-year old to speak to me. I think He greatly enjoys using my little girl to teach her mommy lessons about throwing tantrums. How ironic.

Little girl has been watching the Veggie Tale version of David and Goliath quite a bit lately. Aside from having to explain that, no, Goliath was not really a big pickle and, no, he didn't fight David with boxing gloves it's a pretty accurate retelling.

When I went to say, "Good Morning" to her my daughter informed me she wanted to tell me the story of "Dave and Goliath."

Okie dokie. I sat and listened as the pint-sized preacher proceeded.

When she got to the end of the story (after doing a really great job might I add!) our conversation went like this:

"So who won - David or Goliath?"


(Me feigning shock) "What?! Even though he was so little?"


"And even though Goliath was so big??"


"How did David do that? Who helped him?"


"Oh, so we can do anything with God on our side???"

{Insert God hitting me over the head with a heavenly-sized mallet at this point and saying a very gracious DUH}

It's now five hours after I originally started this post and, honestly, the day has not gotten any easier. In fact, it's thrown me a few more curve balls and I've, in turn, thrown at least one more fabulous pity party.

But as I came back to finish this post I'm once again reminded that I can indeed "do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13)

I can get through this day, take care of my children, handle disappointments, just function through Christ who strengthens me.

Good stuff.

Wonder what my daughter will preach on tomorrow?


  1. Our sweet little ones give the best sermons! Loving your posts even when you are tired! You can do it girl!

  2. Preach on little one. I tell you Phil 4:13 is a verse that gets me through many days no many moments each day!!! I can so relate to your Mondays, except mine are usually on Tuesday( first day of the week that I work). I must add that I truly laughed out loud when I read the part about God hitting you over the head... I only laugh because I can sooooo relate he uses the same technique with me very often!! Thanks for sharing the wise words of your little one.
