Thursday, June 11, 2009

76: Dear Me . . .

Today I came across a box of old pictures that I couldn't help but flip through. As I perused through elementary and junior high memories I couldn't help but think of what I wish I'd known back then.

I know everything is clearer in hindsight, but if 30-Something Me could somehow talk to Teenage Me I think I would tell her:

-Don't worry so much about what people (especially boys) think about you.

-Form an opinion and don't be afraid to share it!

-Grace, not works, honey.

-Don't be so afraid of failure. Or success, for that matter.

-Confidence comes from knowing who you are in the Lord - any other place is sinking sand.

And probably about a gazillion other things.

Which makes me wonder:

Fast-forward fifteen years or so and I wonder, what would my 40-something self want to say to my 30-something self?

(A time-traveling DeLorean would so rock right now . . .)


  1. I too have been looking through old pictures... funny, you are so right I would give myself so much advice. I hope I will just be able to share that with my children and help them in life. I must say my favorite advice to yourself is
    Confidence comes from knowing who you are in the LORD- any other place is sinking sand!!!! LOVE IT, so true!!!!

  2. how very true!! i look back at myself and think "if i only would of known" lol

  3. Crystal - good point! Thank the Lord that we can pass on lessons learned to our kiddos!!

  4. I met one of my junior high friends for lunch yesterday and we were talking about this exact same thing. We talked about how different things would have been if we had known then what we know now.
