Thursday, June 4, 2009

69: Happy List

To be honest it's been a pretty cruddy day. I actually spent the last 15 minutes looking for some inspirational video to post so I wouldn't actually have to write. I didn't find anything. So here I am trying to find something worthwhile to write when I really just feel like curling up under my covers for the next hundred years.

Ironically, what eventually popped in my head was to make a Happy List. You know, ten things to be happy about right now or something bright and sunshiny like that. So in an effort to keep up this 100 posts in 100 days thing going here is my happy list . . . (Did anyone ever see "Man of the House" with Tommy Lee Jones? I can't help but picture him saying, "But this IS my happy face." right now.) Ooh - that can be number one . . .

1. Thinking about TLJ saying "This IS my happy face."

2. Chocolate chips in cupboard calling my name (or, as they should be called, serotonin in a bag)

3. Hubby coming home from work on his white horse to save the day

4. Thinking about my baby girl playing with her toesies - how can that not make me smile?

5. Flip-flop weather

6. My older girl's prayer tonight was beyond precious

7. New plug-ins making the house smell tropical

8. Rain on the roof

9. Ridiculous reality TV

10. DVR - love watching Conan without having to stay up way late (and in my world anything past 9:00 is way late)

Anyone out there want to share what's making them happy right now???


  1. Im happy bc its 11:03, my hubby is gone watching the bball game with a friend, my kids went to bed early and I had some ME time and some Quiet time, and most of all...Jesus Love Me! Miss you girl! Praying for your sweet family!

  2. i too am thankful for dvr! lol, 9pm is my bedtime and a lot of shows are on until at least 10-- that's just way too late for me haha!
