Tuesday, June 9, 2009

74: A Question

I forget where I heard or read the following question, but it was several days ago and it has stuck in my soul ever since:

What would you give up so that others may eat?

The context was raising money to support missionaries serving the poorest of poor in certain regions of Africa. Supplies were running low and demand rising. And the question was asked.

For some reason the phrasing of the question puts a different perspective on the issue. It's not an issue of working it into a budget. It's an issue of what most-likely frivolous item I can do without so that someone else can EAT.

I know times are tough. Money is tight. But when I look around my house and see what we have compared to the great majority of the world, my "tough" times are nothing in comparison.

So I'm asking myself this question several times a day and am wondering if we all asked it - and acted upon it - what lives would be changed. What physical needs would be met so that spiritual ones might be addressed.
The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.
Matthew 25:40

Just some food for thought . . . (mostly for myself).


  1. I have been thinking about this a lot lately too. I think we all have a little extra money ( 5, 10, 20 dollars) a month that we can donate to a cause and it's not too big a deal. But it's SO much harder when we actually have to GIVE UP something to give. You're right though-It is definitely something that we should be thinking about and acting upon DAILY!

    I'm loving your 100 posts!! :)

  2. nice thoughts! ive been thinking too....thanks for the constant encouraging

  3. A - Actually your post the other day on this got me thinking . . .and then I was watching Life Today (on Daystar - good program and Beth Moore teaches every Wed.) and their current cause is the food crisis in Africa.

    What astounded me was I think something like $10 will allow them to feed a child for THREE months. $10 is not a big deal to most people in this country. . .

    btw -your post on orphans has stuck in my head, too. I wish I could rescue the world I think. (and you wish you could also I bet)

  4. great post- really makes me think.
