The first night we were there my poor girl had a horrible time actually falling asleep. As she was bouncing across the room - literally - at midnight I reminded her not to jump because "there were people below us".
She stopped. Big eyes. Crawled into my lap.
I didn't stop to think that to a 2-year-old "people below us" sounds kind of scary!
From that point on every time E wanted to go up the stairs and I declined she knowingly said, "People."
"No, baby, there's no people upstairs. I just don't want you to go up there."
She would stop and think and then say, "Somebody else's turn."
"No, baby, it's no one else's turn. I just don't want you to go up the stairs."
More thinking. "People."
I couldn't help but wonder at this point if this is what we sound like to God sometimes. When difficult circumstances arrise in our lives we are often quick to offer explanations that make sense to ourselves while overlooking the need to just trust God's decisions for us. (As if knowing the reason would change the situation but so often it seems like it would help.) Perhaps our reasons and explanations sound as nonsensical to God as "People" sounded to me regarding my daughter's desire to climb up the stairs.
We crave answers. We want explanations and reasons. I am the queen of seeking these out. But Paul tells us
Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12
My daughter eventually needed to accept that she couldn't go up the stairs just because her mommy had said "no". Maybe my Lord is waiting for the same trust and obedience from me . . .seeking HIM and not only His answers.
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