Thursday, May 8, 2008

Modest is Hottest . . .

Saw that on a t-shirt once and it stuck in my head.

Okay girls - MUST READ this post on modesty at The title alone will catch your attention . . .

It sure made me re-evaluate every outfit in my closet. I like to think I'm a fairly modest dresser. There are a couple of shirts that I've questioned if they're too low, too tight, etc. but usually wear them anyway because they're not "that bad".

No more.

Someone may have to hold me accountable because I really love some of those shirts. But it's not worth stealing the purity of my brothers in Christ even if that's not my intention. Let me emphasize - NOT that I think anyone's looking or that there's anything to look at - ha! - but, well, just read the above post and for sure read through the comments and you'll get my thought process here.

Apparently men are VERY visual. I knew that to some extent but did not realize just how much of a struggle they face every stinkin' day. Besides TV, internet, movies, women out in public, the LAST place they need another battlefield is because of their Christian sisters' choice of dress. Yikes.

[Randomly - I remember a good friend of mine telling me in college to never, ever hug a guy, man, whatever full on from the front because they can feel, well, "the girls". Always, only the good ol' one-armed side hug. Didn't know that till then. Oh, man. I'm so clueless when it comes to males apparently!!!]

Okay - enough of my blabber. Read the post and comments and then let me know your thoughts . . .


  1. I totally agree. My poor dh said he hated going back to college because so many of the girls dressed so immodestly! It's distracting to me as a straight woman and I can't imagine how distracting it is to man- whether he wants to look or not. It can be hard to find clothing that is modest these days but it is possible. I think it's so important to teach our children at such a young age too. You don't want to have to change the way they dress just because they hit puberty. If Miley Crus was taught modesty she would never have been in a position of "iffy" pictures in the first place. It wouldn't have even been a question. A simple- sorry, I don't show that part of my body would have been it.

  2. Ah modesty. Some friends of ours brought their brother to church with them. When they pulled into the parking lot and drove past all of the short skirts and tight shirts he said, "hmm, I like this church". Not cool. I didn't realize what an issue modesty was until my friend in college asked me to come over to his apartment to put a password on his computer so he couldn't access porn. I told him he's stronger than that, and his response was, "Suzanne, you have no idea". We had men at our church who wouldn't serve communion because the temptation to look down the ladies' shirts was too much. That is the standard I go by when I pick out something to wear to church. Can someone see my cleavage if they are standing over me? If so, the shirt isn't worn. I understand that men are visual and will look, as that's what they do. But how much responsibility do I have to help them keep their focus on their worship; whether Sunday morning or during the week? A huge responsibility. And I take it seriously.

    Thank you Leilanni for opening the conversation!! It's a hot one!!

  3. You really made me think, Leilanni. Thank you for this post.
