Saturday, May 31, 2008

Deep Roots

Last night I was able to do one of my favorite things that I rarely get to do.

Little girl was in bed and hubby had to run to Lowe's. So I headed out back, folded up in my favorite adirondack chair and listened to the locusts serenade as dusk slowly faded into evening.

As I was gazing up at the majestic trees in our neighborhood, I was admiring the varying shades of green. And then I thought, "I wonder if they know summer is coming? It will be hot. And dry."

But then it also dawned on me that in the heat of a Texas summer, when my landscaping has long succumbed to the 300 degree temperatures (or something like that) those trees will stay green.

And then as I was pondering why that was, the gentle answer came:

Deep roots.

In the unrelenting summer heat those trees endure because they're pulling their sustenance from a deeper, unseen reservoir.

Anyone see the spiritual connection yet? :-)

Forming deep roots takes time. A tree doesn't decide to dig deep just in time for summer. It spends years - season after season - forming a stronger connection to the life-giving underground flow that sustains it.

Our spiritual life should be much the same. And I can only say that as one who is very much in need of this lesson. I should be spending every season of my life - whether winter or spring - forming a stronger connection with my Father that sustains me.

And then when summers come, and things around me are wilting, my roots will sustain me. The deeper, unseen reservoir will feed me.

Lord, give me deep roots!


  1. LOVE IT!

    some of my favorite memories are of sitting on the back porch as a girl and listening to the wild-things chirp and croak and peep as the sun sets.

    deep roots - good. really good.

  2. Mine too. I would set in out back yard swing and sing praise to our Lord.

  3. Beautiful thoughts.

    When my mother in law came to visit after we moved here she heard the locust and said "what in the world is that???" I forgot that that sound isn't normal for most people!

  4. Absolutely beautiful. I needed this post and such amazing thoughts. Every time I read your posts I am amazed at how well the Holy Spirit speaks through you.
