Saturday, July 11, 2009

Joy? Really?

"Yeah, right."

Consider this a confession of my not-so-godly response earlier tonight to very God-ordained words:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds . . . James 1:2

I'm not trying to be disrespectful of God's word, just honest in my struggle. His words are difficult to internalize sometimes. Always truthful, always right, always needed. But still hard.

Anyone else been there?


  1. oh yes. we're human though, and i think god EXPECTS us to struggle with this. i think he just wants us to come to him looking for that joy and peace. he knows that it does not come natural to us. we have to seek it, just like we sick Him each day.

  2. oops i meant "seek Him" not "sick Him"
