Friday, March 7, 2008

Night Vision

This new blog has me thinking a lot about spiritual mornings - an awakening from whatever night or darkness that has been our dwelling place (whether by choice or not).

I read a fantastic quote today:
"Any fool can sing in the day. It is easy to sing when we can read the notes by daylight, but the skillful singer is he who can sing when there is not a ray of light to read by . . .Songs in the night come only from God; they are not in the power of men." Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Wow - this quote really speaks to me from so many angles. It's HARD to sing in spiritual nighttime. You can't see anything, you can't feel anything . . .sometimes you doubt if anyone will hear your song if you did bother to squeak out a note. But Hosea 6:3 says
Let us acknowledge the LORD;
let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises,
he will appear
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."

The sun will rise. God will appear. Morning will come.

But even with the promise of a coming morning we still struggle through the night because we don't always know when the morning will come. The night seems endless and often too quiet. However, I'm coming to learn that even in the darkest of darks that God is there. Even if we can't feel Him, He is there. He has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) So if we feel Him in the day we can be sure of His presence at night regardless of what our imperfect perceptions tell us.

And consider Psalm 139:12:
"Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you"

Catch that?

Even our darkest nights are bright as daylight to God. When we can't see an inch in front of our face, He sees eternity. God has the ultimate "night vision". How's that for encouraging???

Not that I have this waiting stuff all figured out. And not to say that it's still not difficult to wait upon the morning.

But knowing that God can see even when we can't is an amazing comfort during the night.

1 comment:

  1. oh girl.... i'm gonna have to post this spurgeon quote eventually.

