Saturday, March 28, 2009

1: Here I Go

The other day I was watching Beth Moore on Life Today (love it, love it, love it). She said something that resounded with me so deeply I knew the Spirit was behind it. I'll won't share the details but the result is me feeling a renewed sense of purpose toward this blog.

Fuzzy feelings and renewed purposes are great and all but then sometimes you actually have to DO something about it. This is where I wanted to stick my head in the sand.

One hundred posts in one hundred days.

That's what I feel led to do right now and, let me tell you, I tried to get out of it.

I tried renegotiating the terms (maybe just a few times a week, that's okay enough, right?). I tried ignoring. I tried playing the "too busy, too tired" card.

Funny how the Lord doesn't take me up on my excuses very often. Hmmm. He has a thing about that, huh?


Then I got down to why I was trying to scoot around this challenge:

What if I fail? What if I don't make it? What if I have absolutely nothing to say?

To challenge myself, keep it private and fail is one thing. To announce to whomever frequents this little bloggy and then fail to follow through is another. It's not as easy.

Hmmm. Seems the Lord has a thing about that, too. Go figure - challenging me to grow and not making it easy. (Why do I get the feeling the Lord must just laugh out loud at me sometimes? Isn't the point of a challenge to be, well, challenging? Sheesh.)

Soooooo. Here I go. One post down, ninety-nine to go.