Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Remember . . .

This is an amazingly exciting day for our country. By late tonight we'll (hopefully - barring any complications like in 2000) know who our next president is.

But I wanted to pass along some wisdom our pastor shared with us this past Sunday . . .

Yes, we have a responsibility to vote.

We should vote for who we believe morally and biblically can lead our country best.


No matter who is elected today, Tuesday, remember that God will still be on His throne Wednesday morning.

As Christians let us remember to pray, pray, pray for whomever is elected. That he will have open ears and eyes. And a humble heart willing to be led by our Lord in every decision.

Happy voting!!


  1. Your pastor is so right. I must admit my prayers have been consumed with the election and that the man God has chose to be our president will win. However, God has blessed us with free will and that free will may put another person in the office of president of the USA. But God will still be on His Throne and can and will guide our nation as long as we turn to him!!

  2. Thanks for the post Leilanni. I'm always impressed at the faithful readers and followers you have. How about another topic for your next post, (perhaps a corollary your Pastors sermon). How should a Christian respond upon the election of a new government?

    I fully believe that we need to pray for our new leaders that they may listen to the voice of God in our time and make decisions that support the continued birth and renewal of this country and God's kingdom. I also believe that God is neither a democrat or a republican, and whether conscientious believers choose to vote one way or the other is a free choice. But voting is only the first and likely the easiest part of our responsibilities. Should Christians advocate for our beliefs, and let our government (that represents us - unlike the Roman empire in Jesus day) know what we support? Jesus came and preached a message of radical transformation in his day and in ours...of loving our neighbor (what should we do about immigration and justice and equality for all), of treating the least of these as you would treat Christ himself (how about health care, trade policy, education, poverty, the unborn) of turning the other cheek and praying for those who wish to persecute us (should Christians support a first strike doctrins).

    I believe that Jesus came for us personally, but as important, he also came for this world publicly - and we are His hands and His feet in this world! Your thoughts?

  3. As always - great thoughts Brian! And I fully agree- voting was just the beginning. I hope that all the passion we all felt during this election process will carry over into becoming actively involved in how we want our elected leaders to represent us . . .

    Funny enough, I had started a post the day after the election but left it for later for lack of direction. But after reading your comment I've got some thoughts churning. Thanks for the ideas! :-)
