Thursday, September 25, 2008


I love writing.

I love writing this blog.

For some reason, however, it's become more difficult lately. Partly because life is just busy. But don't we always make time for what really matters to us? I find myself aware at how much time goes by in between posts but feel creatively dry.

I started this blog because I no longer felt good about having my "personal" blog available to any Joe Schmo with pictures of my family, most especially our daughter. But I still wanted a place to share spiritual thoughts, encouragements and struggles . . .I didn't want to cordon off my whole self from blogland (i.e. the two other people that read this - ha!). So I made this blog sans personal info or pictures to keep it public and made my personal blog private. Problem solved I thought.

And for a while the posts came flowing. For whatever reason over the past several months that flow has slowed to a drip. I almost get the feeling that the blog has served it's purpose - whatever it was - and it's time to move on.


I can't want to completely close this blog out yet. Maybe it's just a season. But for you two people that read this, check back every now and then just in case I get inspired. :-)


  1. your posts always have shine some light on how i seem to be feeling at that exact moment. i didn't leave a comment on the last one... mainly b/c i feel like i always say the same thing! even if you don't post again, i want to say thanks, for sharing, and being real, i started reading your blog when i had a miscarriage in february and quite a few, okay, more than a few, have helped me deal w/ the rough times. so thanks!

  2. I read too, just so you know. You are so good with words.

  3. I love your writing and will be sure to keep checking back! The time will come when your well is no longer dry but overflowing!

  4. Y'all are so sweet :-) Honestly - I wouldn't even mind if only one person read this if I felt like I had something to say more than once a month or whatever. I read somewhere once that "it doesn't matter how big your influence is, only if it's the right influence." But then again maybe once a month is still okay. Hmmmm.

    Anyway - y'all are great!

  5. Leilanni- I love both of your blogs, but I have to admit this blog always leaves me thinking, which I LOVE!! You have so much wisdom and insight to share so I hope you keep up the blog even if it sporatic.

  6. hey, sometimes i only update our family blog once a month - in fact, when i was pregnant with hudson i don't think i updated the entire time until he was born!!! so, i think you're pretty awesome!! ;)

  7. Obviously you have more than 2 readers!! Thanks for sharing your heart. I totally understand.

  8. I don't remember how I came to your blog to start with (from Ginger's site), but having done so, I check back now to see what you have to say. You have a gift for expressing yourself, and you need to keep sharing that with others. Your gift is for everybody else, not just you, so please keep it up. You might think seriously about writing a book. I know that those who know you have a special bond with you and your thoughts, so everyone would be short-changed if you closed this blog. KEEP WRITING!!! We'll keep reading! Bryan's mom, Cindy

  9. Cindy: thank you, thank you, thank you. I know from Ginger what a sweet, wise woman you are and I'm honored that you even grace this little bloggy of mine.

    "Your gift is for everybody else, not just you . . ." Those words are ringing in my head tonight and have given me much food for thought. Thank you again for your sweet and encouraging words - I don't feel worthy of them but they spoke to my spirit today.

  10. thank you for this information - I'm unable to log into the website. Your information allows me to follow along in prayer

  11. Kimberley: Thanks for stopping in!
