Monday, April 14, 2008

Stop Paddling So Hard

My husband and I just returned from a trip to Florida where, amongst other more sane endeavors, I went kayaking for the very first time.

While my initial vision of rolling under rapids while my legs were trapped in a virtual tin can did not exactly materialize, I can't say that it was a walk in the park - or maybe stroll in a boat? - either.

We actually signed up for a tandem kayak (read: hubby does most of the work) but since they ran out I ended up all by my lonesome in a single. I was actually kind of excited to do it by myself. Thought it would be a great story to tell our daughter one day. You know . . .when Mom was younger I had to paddle upstream both ways to school or something like that.

But about 1/2 mile into the trip I realized I was getting very tired. My arms hurt. My back hurt. And no one was responsible for moving that stinkin' yellow kayak but ME. Sigh.

I was really digging into that water, determined to keep up with hubby and not drift towards the back of the group.

Then, the breakthrough.

My husband, in an act of mercy, noticed how hard I was paddling and offered me a tip in the sweetest most gentle way:
"You know, I've found that if I just stay consistent with my paddling and not try to paddle so hard that it's actually a lot easier."

Ah. Consistency. Smarter, not harder.

Whadya know - it actually worked. I mean, I still had blisters and couldn't raise my arms above my head for 2 days after that 5 mile jaunt, but I think they would have had to come back for me with a tow rope had it not been for hubby's wise words.

And, of course, my brain just can't leave this alone.

In my Christian walk I catch myself often trying to paddle so hard just to keep up - pray more, read more, listen more, do more, do more, do more - until I'm completely worn out. What if I stopped worrying about trying so hard? What if I just consistently stayed in God's word and connected to Him rather than sprint, rest, sprint, rest, etc.?

Jesus said,
"Remain in me and I will remain in you . . ." John 15:4a

Just remain. Be consistent.

And stop paddling so hard - you'll wear yourself out.
(Um, that last sentence was mostly for me to remember and to come back to over and over. Maybe I should get that tatooed somewhere . . .)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this. I am going to have to remember this. It is so hard sometimes to just let go and put it in the Lord's hands but when we do- sigh. So nice.
